Hye Chyun

Hye Young Chyun is a multidisciplinary experimental theatre and perform artist from Korea who specialize in acting, puppet and mask design, and production assistance. She received her BFA in Theatre Arts at Mount Holyoke College and MFA in Theatre Arts at Sarah Lawrence College. She received her BFA in Theatre Arts at Mount Holyoke College and MFA in Theatre Arts at Sarah Lawrence College. After graduating Sarah Lawrence College in 2015 she was recommended to audition as a Bat at The Flea Theater. She feels blessed to have been accepted as that was how she met many great artists including Lilleth Glimcher. Lilleth then invited me to work as Properties + Masks for her production of Casenis and that was how she got to meet Amanda Hameline and James Danner to be here on this program as a visual artist for A+ J The Makers Gala!

She feels very grateful to everyone who has allowed her and is very grateful to everyone who has influenced her to be who she and honored to be commission for presenting these centerpeices. She is especially grateful to have had the encouragement from Amanda + J to be paid and supported to experiment different roles of being an artist.


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